ISKSAA Leeds UK Travelling Fellowship 2022

I, Dr. Akshit Srivastava, had the incredible opportunity to participate in the ISKSAA Leeds Travelling Fellowship 2023, which took place in Leeds, UK from 16thsup June to 30th June 2023. The fellowship was under the guidance of the esteemed Dr. Sanjeev Anand and spanned two weeks. The fellowship involved rotations at Chapel Allerton Hospital and Leeds General Infirmary, providing a well-rounded experience in orthopedic surgery.

Travel and Accommodation:
Getting to Leeds from Delhi was easy, with a direct flight taking me to my destination. During the fellowship, the accommodation cost was 20 pounds per day, and I stayed at the hospital residences, conveniently located in the heart of the city. The residence was just a 30-minute walk away from Chapel Allerton Hospital, and I had the option to use the shuttle bus service to commute between Leeds General Infirmary and Chapel Allerton. The shuttle bus service provided a convenient and hassle-free way to move around.

The accommodation itself was comfortable, with individual bedrooms and shared amenities such as a kitchen, lounge area, and washroom with another fellow. Facilities like washing machines, microwave ovens, and kettles were available, making the stay very convenient and homely.

Logistics and Coordination:
The overall logistics of the fellowship were well-organized, and coordination with my mentor, Dr. Sanjeev Anand, was smooth and effortless. Everything was managed efficiently, allowing me to focus on my learning and experience.

Hospital Experience:
Chapel Allerton Hospital and Leeds General Infirmary provided an excellent environment for learning and growth. I had the privilege of attending any operating theatre and observe surgeries under the guidance of various surgeons. On one specific day of the week, I had the chance to observe surgeries performed by Dr. Sanjeev Anand at LGI, and on another day, I had the opportunity to observe surgeries with him at Chapel Allerton. Other days I observed surgeries of other surgeons, expanding my exposure. OT list of the coming week was shared in advance so I could decide for myself what interested me and what I want to observe.

Clinical Exposure:
Attending clinics with Dr. Sanjeev Anand at both Chapel Allerton and LGI allowed me to gain valuable exposure to outpatient department procedures. Chapel Allerton Hospital primarily focused on elective surgeries, while LGI dealt with trauma cases. The variety of surgeries available for observation was impressive, ranging from foot, shoulder, hip, and knee surgeries, both arthroscopic and open. I had the opportunity to attend various inter departmental meetings like trauma meet and arthroplasty meet which broadened my knowledge and stimulated my mind through healthy clinical discussions between the experienced clinicians.

Interesting Cases:
The fellowship provided me with the opportunity to witness some interesting cases that are not commonly encountered in India, such as Foot Arthroscopy and Hip Arthroscopy. Additionally, I observed complex multi-ligament knee reconstructions (both primary and revision), various arthroplasties (Hip, Knee, Patellofemoral and Shoulder), soft tissue and bony shoulder stabilizations, Rotator cuff repairs, and foot surgeries.

Teaching and Learning Environment:
The OT environment was highly professional and conducive to learning. The OT staff was friendly and supportive, and all the professors were dedicated teachers. They explained procedures thoroughly and promptly addressed any doubts or questions I had. The experience allowed me to fine-tune my surgical skills and learn valuable tips and tricks.

Weekends and Exploration:
The fellowship provided weekends off, allowing me to explore the charming city of Leeds and its surroundings. Leeds proved to be an excellent city with plenty of attractions to visit during my leisure time.

Overall Experience:
In conclusion, the ISKSAA Leeds Travelling Fellowship 2023 was an enriching and rewarding experience. It provided abundant learning opportunities and allowed me to expose myself to the global standards of patient care and management. I highly recommend this fellowship to young and aspiring surgeons who wish to expand their knowledge, enhance their surgical skills, and gain exposure to international levels of patientcare. Dr. Sanjeev Anand's mentorship and the facilities provided by the hospitals contributed significantly to making this fellowship a memorable and valuable experience for my professional growth.


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